Query Item (QI)


Query Item is similar to Query Ledger, but for Items. Like QL, You can search for a particular Item and the details of the item will be displayed.

You an access QI by clicking on QI in the Navigation Bar. QI Bar

QI landing
  • To select an item, enter in the text field. Item Filter
    Autofill will activate after entering 3 letters. You can also click on Item Icon Item Icon next to the text field to see a list of all the items and choose from it. Click on GO GreenArrow

  • QI item popup

  • Once a ledger is selected all the inventory vouchers are diplayed alongwith inwards, outwards and closing balance.

  • Totals of Quantity and amount are shown in the bottom blue bar. One can also sort then on the basis of Vtype, Vnum, Date, etc.

  • You can click on a voucher in Transactionwise view to get further details

QI item details
  • The inventory card at the top Displays the Opening balance, transactions (In and Out), and closing balance for the entire period, irrespective of the filters applied.

  • You can filter based on Period using the date filter.

  • Option for viewing Ledgerwise, Monthwise, Daywise and Transaction wise is also available using TDMY. TDMY

  • There is also an option of downloading the data in excel format as well as Printing. Excel & Print

  • Please note:: Query Item (QI) is visible only when Inventory features have been turned on.
QI Inventory card