Trial Balance


You can navigate to Trial Balance by clicking on the TB module in the top navigation Pane.    TB navbar
On landing in TB, you will see a list of all the Ledgers along with their Closing Balance.

  • Clicking on any Ledger will take you to Query Ledger (QL) with details of that Ledger.

  • Clicking on any Group will take you to Query Group (QG) with details of that Group.

  • TB Landing

Group popup
  • If you wish to see a particular group, you can choose the desired group from the dropdown menu under filters on LHS.
  • You can also choose a group by clicking on the Group icon Group Icon and selecting from the popup.
    • Suppose you wish to see data for a particular year / month / week, you can do so using the date controls.

    • You can either type in the date: for example, If you type 6-11-16, the system will automatically take 6th November 2016 as the date.

    • Press TAB, to enter the ‘to date’. Or, you can use the date control, and choose the desired dates.

    • Please note the dates are recognized in the DD-MM-YY format.

    • The hot key for choosing the date is F2.

    • You can also choose a previous year and compare YoY or even for a particular period using ‘Show previous year/period’ .

    • Ledger wise: Displays TB by listing all the Ledgers along with their details.

    • Group wise; Displays TB by listing all the groups with their details. You can choose the level of expansion you wish to see.

    • Clicking on a group will take you to COA.

    • Group Drill down: Displays Ledgers under their respective groups along with their opening balance, transaction details and closing balance.

    • Clicking on a Ledger will take you to QL.
    • All:

    • All (Summarize SDr/SCr):

    • Sundry Debtor & Sundry Creditor Only: Displays only the Sundry Creditors & Creditors and hides all the other Ledgers

    TB Monthwise
    • QMDY: You can toggle to view information yearly, quarterly, monthly, and day wise.  QMDY

    • Excel Export: You can also export your data as a MS Excel file by clicking on the green Excel icon at the bottom of the screen.

    • Please note this is a special feature and will only be applicable to those having proper security credentials.